Model 240 Input Modules

The 240 Series Input Modules employ distributed PLC control for large scale cryogenic temperature monitoring.

More information about the instrument can be found on our website including the manual which has a list of all commands and queries.

Example Scripts

Below are a few example scripts for the Model 335 that use the Lake Shore Python driver.

Model 240 Input Channel Setup Example

from lakeshore import Model240
from lakeshore.model_240 import Model240InputParameter, Model240SensorTypes, Model240Units, Model240InputRange
from time import sleep

# Connect to the first available Model 240 over USB
my_model_240 = Model240()

# Define the channel configuration for a sensor with a negative temperature coefficient, autorange disabled
# current reversal disabled, the channel enabled, and set to the 100 kOhm range
rtd_config = Model240InputParameter(Model240SensorTypes.NTC_RTD, False, False, Model240Units.SENSOR, True,

# Apply the configuration to all channels
for channel in range(1, 9):
    my_model_240.set_input_parameter(channel, rtd_config)

print("Reading from channel 5: {} ohms".format(my_model_240.get_sensor_reading(5)))

Model 240 Profibus Configuration Example

from lakeshore import Model240, Model240Units, Model240ProfiSlot

# Connect to the first available Model 240 over USB
my_model_240 = Model240()

# Print the instrument's current PROFIBUS connection status to the console
print("Profibus connection status: " + my_model_240.get_profibus_connection_status())

# Configure the number of PROFIBUS slots for the instrument to present to the bus as a modular station
# Setting the number of PROFIBUS slots to 2

# Create the ProfiSlot class object by specifying which input to associate the
# slot with and what temperature units the data will be presented in
# Setting the input channel as 2 and temperature units to Celsius
my_profibus_slot = Model240ProfiSlot(2, Model240Units.CELSIUS)

# Configure what data to be presented on the given PROFIBUS slot
# Profibus slot 1 will be associated with channel 2
my_model_240.set_profibus_slot_configuration(1, my_profibus_slot)

# Print the PROFIBUS address
# An address of 126 indicates that it is not configured and it can then be set by a PROFIBUS master
print("Profibus adress: " + my_model_240.get_profibus_address())

# Set the desired address as 123

# Acquiring settings that were configured above
slot_1_config = my_model_240.get_profibus_slot_configuration(1)

Classes and methods

Instrument class methods

Settings classes

This page describes the classes used throughout the 240 methods that interact with instrument settings and other methods that use objects and classes.

Enumeration objects

This section describes the Enum type objects that have been created to represent various settings of the Model 240 series that are represented as an int or single character to the instrument. The purpose of these enum types is to make the settings more descriptive and obvious to the user rather than interpreting the ints taken by the instrument.