F41 & F71 Teslameters

The Lake Shore single-axis (F41) and multi-axis (F71) Teslameters provide highly accurate field strength measurements.

More information about the instrument can be found on our website including the manual which has a list of all SCPI commands and queries.

Example Scripts

Below are a few example scripts for the Teslameters that use the Lake Shore Python driver.

Streaming F41/F71 teslameter data to a CSV file

from lakeshore import Teslameter

# Connect to the first available Teslameter over USB
my_teslameter = Teslameter()

# Configure the instrument to be in DC field mode and give it a moment to settle
my_teslameter.command('SENSE:MODE DC')

# Query the probe serial number
probe_serial_number = my_teslameter.query('PROBE:SNUMBER?')

# Query the probe temperature
probe_temperature = my_teslameter.query('FETCH:TEMPERATURE?')

# Create a file to write data into.
file = open("teslameter_data.csv", "w")

# Write header info including the instrument serial number, probe serial number, and temperature.
file.write('Header Information\n')
file.write('Instrument serial number:,' + my_teslameter.serial_number + '\n')
file.write('Probe serial number:,' + probe_serial_number + '\n')
file.write('Probe temperature:,' + probe_temperature + '\n\n')

# Collect 10 seconds of 10 ms data points and write them to the csv file
my_teslameter.log_buffered_data_to_file(10, 10, file)

# Close the file so that it can be used by the function

Classes and methods

Instrument class methods

Register classes

This page outlines the objects and classes used to interact with registers in the Teslameter driver.