F41 & F71 Teslameters

The Lake Shore single-axis (F41) and multi-axis (F71) Teslameters provide highly accurate field strength measurements.

More information about the instrument can be found on our website including the manual which has a list of all SCPI commands and queries.

Example Scripts

Below are a few example scripts for the Teslameters that use the Lake Shore Python driver.

Streaming F41/F71 teslameter data to a CSV file

from lakeshore import Teslameter

# Connect to the first available Teslameter over USB
my_teslameter = Teslameter()

# Configure the instrument to be in DC field mode and give it a moment to settle
my_teslameter.command('SENSE:MODE DC')

# Query the probe serial number
probe_serial_number = my_teslameter.query('PROBE:SNUMBER?')

# Query the probe temperature
probe_temperature = my_teslameter.query('FETCH:TEMPERATURE?')

# Create a file to write data into.
file = open("teslameter_data.csv", "w")

# Write header info including the instrument serial number, probe serial number, and temperature.
file.write('Header Information\n')
file.write('Instrument serial number:,' + my_teslameter.serial_number + '\n')
file.write('Probe serial number:,' + probe_serial_number + '\n')
file.write('Probe temperature:,' + probe_temperature + '\n\n')

# Collect 10 seconds of 10 ms data points and write them to the csv file
my_teslameter.log_buffered_data_to_file(10, 10, file)

# Close the file so that it can be used by the function

Instrument class methods

class lakeshore.teslameter.Teslameter(serial_number=None, com_port=None, baud_rate=115200, flow_control=True, timeout=2.0, ip_address=None, tcp_port=7777, **kwargs)

A class object representing a Lake Shore F41 or F71 Teslameter.

stream_buffered_data(length_of_time_in_seconds, sample_rate_in_ms)

Yield a generator object for the buffered field data.

Useful for getting the data in real time when doing a lengthy acquisition.

length_of_time_in_seconds (float):

The period of time over which to stream the data.

sample_rate_in_ms (int):

The averaging window (sampling period) of the instrument.


A generator object that returns the data as datapoint tuples.

get_buffered_data_points(length_of_time_in_seconds, sample_rate_in_ms)

Returns a list of named tuples that contain the buffered data.

length_of_time_in_seconds (float):

The period of time over which to collect the data.

sample_rate_in_ms (int):

The averaging window (sampling period) of the instrument.


The data as a list of datapoint tuples.

log_buffered_data_to_file(length_of_time_in_seconds, sample_rate_in_ms, file)

Creates or appends a CSV file with the buffered data and excel-friendly timestamps.

length_of_time_in_seconds (float):

The period of time over which to collect the data.

sample_rate_in_ms (int):

The averaging window (sampling period) of the instrument.

file (file_object):

Field measurement data will be written to this file object in a CSV format.


Returns the DC field reading.


Returns the DC field reading.


Returns the RMS field reading.


Returns the RMS field reading.


Returns the field frequency reading.


Returns the maximum and minimum field readings respectively.


Returns the maximum and minimum peak field readings respectively.


Resets the maximum and minimum field readings to the present field reading.


Returns the temperature reading.


Returns a dictionary of probe data.


Returns the relative field value.


Copies the current field reading to the relative baseline value.


Returns the relative field baseline value.


Configures the relative baseline value.

baseline_field (float):

A field units value that will act as the zero field for the relative measurement.

configure_field_measurement_setup(mode='DC', autorange=True, expected_field=None, averaging_samples=20)

Configures the field measurement settings.

mode (str):

Modes are as follows: “DC”, “AC” (0.1 - 500 Hz), and “HIFR” (50 Hz - 100 kHz).

autorange (bool):

Chooses whether the instrument automatically selects the best range for the measured value.

expected_field (float):

When autorange is False, the expected_field is the largest field expected to be measured. It sets the lowest instrument field range capable of measuring the value.

averaging_samples (int):

The number of field samples to average. Each sample is 10 milliseconds of field information.


Returns the mode, autoranging state, range, and number of averaging samples as a dictionary.

configure_temperature_compensation(temperature_source='PROBE', manual_temperature=None)

Configures how temperature compensation is applied to the field readings.

temperature_source (str):

Determines where the temperature measurement is drawn from. Options are: “PROBE” (Compensation is based on measurement of a thermistor in the probe), “MTEM” (Compensation is based on a manual temperature value provided by the user), “NONE” (Temperature compensation is not applied).

manual_temperature (float):

Sets the temperature provided by the user for MTEMP (manual temperature) source in Celsius.


Returns the source of temperature measurement for field compensation.


Returns the manual temperature setting value in Celsius.


Configures the field measurement units of the instrument.

units (str):

A unit of magnetic field. Options are: “TESLA”, or “GAUSS”.


Returns the magnetic field units of the instrument.

configure_field_control_limits(voltage_limit=10.0, slew_rate_limit=10.0)

Configures the limits of the field control output.

voltage_limit (float):

The maximum voltage permitted at the field control output. Must be between 0 and 10V.

slew_rate_limit (float):

The maximum rate of change of the field control output voltage in volts per second.


Returns the field control output voltage limit and slew rate limit.

configure_field_control_output_mode(mode='CLLOOP', output_enabled=True)

Configure the field control mode and state.

mode (str):

Determines whether the field control is in open or closed loop mode. Options: “CLLOOP” (closed loop control), or “OPLOOP” (open loop control, voltage output).

output_enabled (bool):

Turn the field control voltage output on or off.


Returns the mode and state of the field control output.

configure_field_control_pid(gain=None, integral=None, ramp_rate=None)

Configures the closed loop control parameters of the field control output.

gain (float):

Also known as P or Proportional in PID control. This controls how strongly the control output reacts to the present error. Note that the integral value is multiplied by the gain value.

integral (float):

Also known as I or Integral in PID control. This controls how strongly the control output reacts to the past error history.

ramp_rate (float):

This value controls how quickly the present field set-point will transition to a new set-point. The ramp rate is configured in field units per second.


Returns the gain, integral, and ramp rate.


Sets the field control setpoint value in field units.


Returns the field control setpoint.


Sets the field control open loop voltage.


Returns the field control open loop voltage.


Configures what signal is provided by the analog output BNC.


Configures what signal is provided by the analog output BNC.

analog_output_mode (str):

Configures what signal is provided by the analog output BNC. Options: “OFF” (output off), “XRAW” (raw amplified X channel Hall voltage), “YRAW” (raw amplified Y channel Hall voltage), “ZRAW” (raw amplified Z channel Hall voltage), “XCOR” (Corrrected X channel field measurement), “YCOR” (Corrected Y channel field measurement), “ZCOR” (Corrected Z channel field measurement), or “MCOR” (Corrected magnitude field measurement)

configure_corrected_analog_output_scaling(scale_factor, baseline)

Configures the conversion between field reading and analog output voltage.

scale_factor (float):

Scale factor in volts per unit field.

baseline (float):

The field value at which the analog output voltage is zero.


Returns the scale factor and baseline of the corrected analog out.


Returns what signal is being provided by the analog output.


Returns what signal is being provided by the analog output.


Applies filtering to the high frequency RMS measurements.


Turns off filtering of the high frequency mode measurements.


Configures which filter is applied to the high frequency measurements.

filter_type (str):

Options: “LPASS” (low pass filter), “HPASS” (high pass filter), or “BPASS” (band pass filter).


Returns the type of filter that is or will be applied to the high frequency measurements.


Returns the cutoff frequency setting of the low pass filter.


Configures the low pass filter cutoff.

cutoff_frequency (float):

Options: NONE, F10, F30, F100, F300, F1000, F3000, or F10000 F10 = 10 Hz, etc.


Returns the cutoff frequency setting of the low pass filter.


Configures the high pass filter cutoff.

cutoff_frequency (float):

Options: NONE, F10, F30, F100, F300, F1000, F3000, or F10000 F10 = 10 Hz, etc.


Returns the center of the band pass filter.


Configures the band pass filter parameters.

center_frequency (float):

The frequency at which the gain of the filter is 1.


Enables the qualifier.


Disables the qualifier.


Returns whether the qualifier condition is met.


Enables the qualifier condition latching.


Disables the qualifier condition latching.


Returns whether the qualifier latches.


Sets whether the qualifier latches.

latching (bool):

Determines whether the qualifier latches.


Resets the condition status of the qualifier.


Returns the threshold mode and field threshold values.

configure_qualifier(mode, lower_field, upper_field=None)

Sets the threshold condition of the qualifier.

mode (str):

The type of threshold condition used by the qualifier. Options: “OVER”, “UNDER”, “BETWEEN”, “OUTSIDE”, “ABSBETWEEN”, or “ABSOUTSIDE”.

lower_field (float):

The lower field value threshold used by the qualifier.

upper_field (float):

The upper field value threshold used by the qualifier. Not used for OVER or UNDER.

command(*commands, check_errors=True)

Send an SCPI command or multiple commands to the instrument.

commands (str):

Any number of SCPI commands.

check_errors (bool):

Chooses whether to query the SCPI error queue and raise errors as exceptions. True by default. Optional Parameter.

connect_tcp(ip_address, tcp_port, timeout)

Establishes a TCP connection with the instrument on the specified IP address.

connect_usb(serial_number=None, com_port=None, baud_rate=None, data_bits=None, stop_bits=None, parity=None, timeout=None, handshaking=None, flow_control=None)

Establish a serial USB connection.


Disconnect the TCP connection.


Disconnect the USB connection.


Resets all system information such as settings, wi-fi connections, date and time, etc.


Returns the names of the operation event enable register bits and their values.

These values determine which operation bits propagate to the operation event register.


Returns the names of operation event status register bits that are currently high.

The event register is latching and values are reset when queried.


Returns the names of the operation status register bits and their values.


Returns the names of the questionable status register bits and their values.


Returns the names of the questionable event enable register bits and their values.

These values determine which questionable bits propagate to the questionable event register.


Returns the names of questionable event status register bits that are currently high.

The event register is latching and values are reset when queried.


Returns the named bits of the status byte service request enable register.

This register determines which bits propagate to the master summary status bit.


Returns the names of the standard event enable register bits and their values.

These values determine which bits propagate to the standard event register.


Returns the names of the standard event register bits and their values.


Returns named bits of the status byte register and their values.

modify_operation_register_mask(bit_name, value)

Gets the operation condition register mask, changes a bit, and sets the register.

bit_name (str):

The name of the bit to modify.

value (bool):

Determines whether the bit masks (false) or passes (true) the corresponding state.

modify_questionable_register_mask(bit_name, value)

Gets the questionable condition register mask, changes a bit, and sets the register.

bit_name (str):

The name of the bit to modify.

value (bool):

Determines whether the bit masks (false) or passes (true) the corresponding state.

modify_service_request_mask(bit_name, value)

Gets the service request enable mask, changes a bit, and sets the register.

bit_name (str):

The name of the bit to modify.

value (bool):

Determines whether the bit masks (false) or passes (true) the corresponding state.

modify_standard_event_register_mask(bit_name, value)

Gets the standard event register mask, changes a bit, and sets the register.

bit_name (str):

The name of the bit to modify.

value (bool):

Determines whether the bit masks (false) or passes (true) the corresponding state.

query(*queries, check_errors=True)

Sends an SCPI query or multiple queries to the instrument and return the response(s).

queries (str):

Any number of SCPI queries or commands.

check_errors (bool):

Chooses whether to query the SCPI error queue and raise errors as exceptions. True by default. Optional Parameter.


The instrument query response as a string.


Resets measurement settings to their default values.


Resets status register masks to preset values.


Configures the values of the operation event enable register bits.

These values determine which operation bits propagate to the operation event register.

register_mask ([Instrument]OperationRegister):

An instrument specific OperationRegister class object with all bits configured true or false.


Configures the values of the questionable event enable register bits.

These values determine which questionable bits propagate to the questionable event register.

register_mask ([Instrument]QuestionableRegister):

An instrument specific QuestionableRegister class object with all bits configured true or false.


Configures values of the service request enable register bits.

This register determines which bits propagate to the master summary bit.

register_mask (StatusByteRegister):

A StatusByteRegister class object with all bits configured true or false.


Configures values of the standard event enable register bits.

These values determine which bits propagate to the standard event register.

register_mask (StandardEventRegister):

A StandardEventRegister class object with all bits configured true or false.


Alias of command. Send a command to the instrument.

command_string (str):

A serial command.

Status register classes

This page outlines the objects and classes used to interact with registers in the Teslameter driver.

class lakeshore.teslameter.TeslameterOperationRegister(no_probe, overload, ranging, ramp_done, no_data_on_breakout_adapter)

Class object representing the operation status register.

class lakeshore.teslameter.TeslameterQuestionableRegister(x_axis_sensor_error, y_axis_sensor_error, z_axis_sensor_error, probe_eeprom_read_error, temperature_compensation_error, invalid_probe, field_control_slew_rate_limit, field_control_at_voltage_limit, calibration_error, heartbeat_error)

Class object representing the questionable status register.

class lakeshore.teslameter.StatusByteRegister(error_available, questionable_summary, message_available_summary, event_status_summary, master_summary, operation_summary)

Class object representing the status byte register.

__init__(error_available, questionable_summary, message_available_summary, event_status_summary, master_summary, operation_summary)
class lakeshore.teslameter.StandardEventRegister(operation_complete, query_error, device_specific_error, execution_error, command_error, power_on)

Class object representing the standard event register.

__init__(operation_complete, query_error, device_specific_error, execution_error, command_error, power_on)